

How can we control unhelpful thinking habits?

Over the years, we tend to develop unhelpful thinking habits like those described below.

In fact, we favor some over others, and some may seem far too familiar.

You can identify your unhelpful thinking styles, and you can start to notice them; in particular, they often occur just before and during distressing situations.

Once you notice them, that can ultimately help you to challenge or distance yourself from those thoughts and, therefore, see the situation differently and more helpfully.

How we Challenge Biased Expectations!

What is the Situation I am in?

Head On

"One way to address biased expectations is to challenge them "head-on." In fact, in cognitive behavioral therapy, this is also called "disputation." 

Furthermore, remember that our thoughts and expectations are often opinions we have picked up or learned rather than facts."

Evaluate Them

"To challenge or dispute your biased expectations, you must, first, dissect them; furthermore, evaluate how accurate or likely they are. 

Additionally, you should examine what evidence you base your expectations on, and, finally, consider any positive things you may be ignoring."

Gain the Facts

In this way, you are like a detective or lawyer, trying to determine how realistic your expectations are and putting things into perspective. 

This should not be done in your head but instead written down.

I can't express enough how transformative the CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program has been for me.

Firstly, from the very beginning, the approach was both empathetic and practical, thereby offering a structured path to understanding and managing my anxiety and depression.

Moreover, the CBT techniques were clearly explained and thoughtfully integrated into the sessions, which made applying them in my daily life easy.

The coaches are incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and skilled at guiding you through each step of the process.

In particular, they helped me uncover and challenge negative thought patterns and provided me with tools to build resilience and a more positive mindset.

Consequently, the program's blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application gave me a renewed sense of control and hope.

As a result, thanks to this coaching program, I now feel more equipped to handle life's challenges and have seen significant improvements in my mental well-being.

Therefore, I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with anxiety and depression. Ultimately, it’s a life-changing experience that genuinely delivers results.

Jackie Williams


We are confident that once you speak with us, you'll see why this is a great move for you or your business.

To prove it, we offer a free 45-minute consultation – that's nearly an hour at no cost to you.

So... how will our Coaching Program Effect you or your Team?

Before our clients took this course

"I felt overwhelmed by my anxiety and depression; consequently, it left me feeling stuck and hopeless. Moreover, my daily life was a constant struggle, and as a result, I was skeptical that anything could really help. Furthermore, despite my efforts to seek support, I often found myself feeling even more isolated. In addition, the weight of my emotions made it difficult to see a way forward."

"I was trapped in a cycle of negative thinking and low energy. My depression made it hard to find joy or motivation, and I was frustrated with traditional treatments that seemed to offer little relief."

"My anxiety was consuming my life; consequently, it was affecting my work and relationships. Furthermore, I was struggling to find effective solutions; thus, as a result, I felt like I was running out of options."
"I was deeply frustrated by my inability to break free from my depression and anxiety. I felt like I was constantly battling my own mind with little success."

After our clients took this course

"The CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program changed everything for me.
The techniques I learned helped me manage my anxiety and shift my perspective.
I now have practical tools to cope with daily challenges and a renewed sense of hope and control over my life."

"Thanks to this program, I now have effective strategies for combating my negative thoughts and, consequently, improving my mood. Furthermore, the CBT techniques were a revelation; as a result, I feel more energized and optimistic about my future.
In addition, I have also learned to recognize triggers that contribute to my negative thinking. Moreover, these skills have empowered me to take control of my mental health **and**, ultimately, lead a more fulfilling life."
"The coaching program provided me with practical CBT tools and personalized support that made a real difference. I've learned how to manage my anxiety more effectively and feel more confident in handling stressful situations."
"The CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program not only offered me clear, actionable steps, but also provided a supportive environment to make meaningful progress. As a result, I've experienced a significant improvement in my mental health; consequently, I now approach life with a more positive and proactive mindset. Furthermore, this program has equipped me with valuable tools that I can apply in various aspects of my life. Therefore, I feel more confident in facing challenges and maintaining my well-being."

OUR strategic business development coaching program

Everything you need to instantly boost your Sales Teams sales and your Businesses Revenue

"At The Takeover Strategy, we believe in equipping you with more than just knowledge; indeed, we empower you with practical skills and actionable strategies that yield results.

Furthermore, whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your approach, an aspiring entrepreneur aiming to scale your venture. 

Even a business that wants its team to grow, ultimately, this is the coaching program for you."

What’s Included in Our Coaching Program for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

We cover a comprehensive range of topics to ensure your team gets the support they need. 

Here's what we focus on.

Module 1

Initial Assessment

Participants complete a detailed questionnaire covering current symptoms, mental health history, lifestyle factors (sleep, diet, exercise), and personal goals.

This form helps the coach understand the participant’s specific challenges and needs.
A one-on-one session where the coach and participant review the intake form together.

They discuss the participant’s experiences with anxiety and depression, clarify their goals, and develop a customized coaching plan.

This session sets the stage for the therapeutic relationship and outlines the structure of the program.

Module 2

Introduction to CBT

Explanation of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected.
Introduction to the concept of automatic thoughts and their impact on emotions and actions.
Identification of common cognitive distortions (e.g., all-or-nothing thinking, catastrophizing) and their effects.
Participants practice identifying and challenging cognitive distortions in a controlled setting.
Sharing experiences and insights to deepen understanding and application of CBT concepts.

Module 3

Identifying and Challenging Negative Thought Patterns

Document situations that trigger negative thoughts, along with the associated emotions and beliefs.
Methods for questioning the validity of negative thoughts and replacing them with more realistic ones.
Techniques to gather evidence that supports more balanced thinking.
Encourage participants to test the accuracy of their negative beliefs through real-life experiments.
Reflect on the outcomes of these experiments to adjust beliefs and behaviors.

Module 4

Developing Coping Strategies

Practices to enhance present-moment awareness and reduce stress.
Techniques to calm the nervous system and reduce physical symptoms of anxiety.
Exercises to reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation.
Methods for addressing and resolving stressors proactively.
Identify and participate in activities that bring joy and a sense of accomplishment.
Develop a routine that encourages regular involvement in meaningful activities.

Module 5

Enhancing Emotional Regulation

Accurately identify and label their emotions.
Explore what triggers specific emotions and how to manage them.
Techniques for expressing emotions in constructive ways (e.g., journaling, talking to a trusted person).
Methods such as grounding exercises and self-soothing practices.
Building skills to bounce back from emotional setbacks.

Module 6

Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy

Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.

Developing clear action steps and timelines to achieve these goals.
Reflecting on past successes to build confidence.
Identifying and enhancing personal strengths and abilities.
Further development of coping strategies to manage stress effectively.
Enhancing the ability to adapt to change and recover from setbacks.

Module 7

Ongoing Support and Adjustment

Discussions on achievements, challenges, and adjustments to the plan.
Additional practice and reinforcement of CBT techniques.
Evaluate how well the strategies are working and make necessary adjustments.
Structured exercises and additional reading materials.
Access to peer support and shared experiences through online forums or group meetings.

Module 8

Conclusion and Future Planning

Summary of progress made and remaining areas for development.
Discussion of what worked well and areas for further improvement.
Development of a plan for maintaining mental health, including ongoing self-care and coping strategies.
Strategies for recognizing and addressing potential setbacks early.
Recognize and celebrate the participant’s progress and milestones.


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It's always important to be open to trying new things

When we work on ourselves it's important to open yourself up to trying new things, the more things you open yourself to, the more you will grow, and the more you grow the more you push your own personal journey.

I started the program and gained a clear understanding of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how I could apply it to my situation. 

The initial assessment tailored the sessions to my specific needs, and the introduction to CBT concepts engaged and enlightened me.

I appreciated the thorough exploration of my negative thought patterns and the practical tools given to challenge and reframe them.


Before enrolling in the CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program, I struggled to manage my anxiety and depression on my own. I felt overwhelmed by negative thoughts and was unsure how to break free from the cycle. However, the program provided me with a structured, compassionate approach that profoundly impacted my life.

The program gave me a clear understanding of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how to apply it to my situation. The initial assessment helped tailor the sessions to my specific needs, and the introduction to CBT concepts was engaging and insightful.

I appreciated the thorough exploration of my negative thought patterns and the practical tools provided to challenge and reframe them. The coping strategies and emotional regulation techniques were particularly beneficial.

Overall, the program has been a transformative experience for me. It has equipped me with practical tools, deeper self-awareness, and renewed hope for a brighter future.

Sara Ying

Support & help

Even after the course is complete, we're here to help. Our lines are always open, and we offer free 45-minute consultations for everything we do. We're not just a business that takes; we believe in giving back.

Facebook group

Everyone who participates in our coaching programs receives full access to our private Facebook group, where they can connect with various businesses and individuals sharing their own stories and experiences.

Two Weekly Checkups

Our coaching program is set into three training sessions over three months. We do this because, on each training day, you will be assigned tasks, so you will have a few weeks to complete them; then, on the next training day, we will assess how you got on. We will however, touch base with you half way through to check in on you. 

Pay in Full or Installments

We offer flexible payment options, including full payment and a two-installment plan, because we don’t want anyone to miss out on these coaching programs.

one full payment


This is based on a one-off payment

This coaching program is a three-day program, split into three training days-once a month for three monthly.

This programs Includes 

Initial Assessment
Introduction to CBT
Identifying and Challenging Negative Thought Patterns
Developing Coping Strategies
Enhancing Emotional Regulation
Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy
Ongoing Support and Adjustment
Conclusion and Future Planning

two payments of


This is based on two monthly instalments.

This coaching program is a three-day program, split into three training days-once a month for three monthly.

This program Includes

Initial Assessment
Introduction to CBT
Identifying and Challenging Negative Thought Patterns
Developing Coping Strategies
Enhancing Emotional Regulation
Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy
Ongoing Support and Adjustment
Conclusion and Future Planning

tHREE payments of


This is based on three monthly instalments.

This coaching program is a three-day program, split into three training days-once a month for three monthly.

This program Includes

Initial Assessment
Introduction to CBT
Identifying and Challenging Negative Thought Patterns
Developing Coping Strategies
Enhancing Emotional Regulation
Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy
Work-Life Balance
Conclusion and Future Planning

These customers can't be wrong

Our satisfied clients speak volumes about the effectiveness and impact of our coaching programs. Their testimonials reflect the positive changes they have experienced, both personally and professionally, as a result of our tailored approach to managing anxiety and depression in the workplace. Join the growing number of businesses that have benefited from our support and see the difference for yourself.


"Joining the CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program was, without a doubt, a game-changer for me.

Previously, I had been struggling with overwhelming anxiety and depression for years; consequently, nothing seemed to help.

However, the program’s structured approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provided me with new insights into my thought patterns, as well as practical tools to manage them effectively.

Moreover, the personalized support was invaluable, and as a result, I finally feel like I have the skills to handle my emotions and stress more effectively.

Ultimately, my outlook on life has improved dramatically, and I’m truly grateful for the renewed sense of hope and control that this program has given me."

Jenny Morris


"I can’t recommend the CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program highly enough. Initially, I was dealing with severe anxiety that was affecting my work and personal life.

Moreover, the program’s clear, step-by-step approach to CBT helped me understand and tackle my issues in a way I hadn’t experienced before.

Furthermore, the relaxation techniques and coping strategies were incredibly practical and effective. In addition, the regular coaching sessions provided the support and accountability I needed to stay on track. As a result, I now feel more focused and resilient, and my overall well-being has significantly improved."

Tom Hardy

Managing Director

"This program has truly transformed my life. Initially, I felt disconnected and lost due to my depression; consequently, traditional methods didn’t seem to provide lasting relief.

However, the CONTROL ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION WITH CBT program offered a fresh perspective and, in addition, actionable strategies that made a real difference.

Furthermore, the focus on re-engaging with activities I enjoyed and building resilience gave me a sense of purpose and joy that I had been missing.

Moreover, the ongoing support from the coaches was exceptional, and as a result, I now feel more in control and optimistic about my future.

Ultimately, this program is a valuable resource for anyone struggling with similar challenges."

Priya Sida

Customer Sevices

My Personal 14 day money-back guarantee

We offer a 14 day money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction with our coaching programs. However, due to the significant effort and resources that go into these programs, no refunds are available after 14 days. This is because the effort and resources invested in our programs cannot be undone.


Our most asked questions

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and how is it used in this program?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. In this program, CBT is used to help participants understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. The program teaches practical techniques for challenging distorted thinking, managing emotions, and developing healthier behaviors. By applying these techniques, participants can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve their overall mental well-being.

How is the program personalized to fit individual needs?

The program begins with a comprehensive initial assessment, including an intake form and a one-on-one consultation. This helps the coach understand each participant's unique situation, challenges, and goals. Based on this information, the coaching plan is tailored to address specific issues and needs. Throughout the program, regular check-ins and progress reviews ensure that the strategies and support remain aligned with the participant’s evolving requirements.

What types of techniques and tools will I learn in the program?

Participants will learn a variety of CBT techniques and tools, including:

Thought Records: For tracking and analyzing negative thoughts.
Cognitive Restructuring: For challenging and reframing distorted thinking patterns.
Behavioral Experiments: For testing the validity of negative beliefs.
Relaxation Techniques: Such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.
Behavioral Activation: To increase engagement in positive activities.
Stress Management: Including time management and problem-solving skills. These tools are designed to help manage anxiety and depression effectively and improve daily functioning.

How long is the program and how often are the coaching sessions?

The program typically spans several weeks to a few months, depending on individual needs and goals. Coaching sessions are usually held weekly or biweekly, providing consistent support and feedback. The frequency of sessions can be adjusted based on the participant’s progress and specific requirements.

Will I receive any materials or resources to use outside of the coaching sessions?

Yes, participants will have access to various materials and resources to support their learning and practice outside of sessions. This includes workbooks with exercises and additional reading materials, guided meditations for relaxation, and access to an online platform with supplementary resources. These materials are designed to reinforce the concepts learned during coaching sessions and facilitate ongoing practice.

What if I need additional support between coaching sessions?

The program provides ongoing support through regular check-ins and progress reviews. Additionally, participants have access to a private online community where they can connect with peers for support and share experiences. If urgent help is needed, guidance is provided on how to seek immediate support or address any critical issues that arise.

How will I know if the program is working for me?

Progress is monitored through regular coaching sessions and progress reviews. Participants will discuss their experiences, assess improvements in symptoms, and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques and strategies being used. The program is designed to be adaptable, so adjustments can be made based on feedback and progress. Participants should start to notice improvements in managing anxiety and depression, as well as increased confidence and better coping skills.

What is your refund policy?

We provide a 14-day money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. Why 14 days? Because the effort and resources invested in our programs cannot be undone.

It's always important to be open to trying new things

When we work on ourselves it's important to open yourself up to trying new things, the more things you open yourself to, the more you will grow, and the more you grow the more you push your own personal journey.

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